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Showing posts from December, 2017

Midterm review 3.0

    Today classes were on a shorter schedule because we needed to get to every class for exam review. In class today we went over the first constructed response. The review in class really helped me understand the concept of the constructed response and I now have a map or plan of my writing. I took your advice on studying the demographic transition chart. I know to use lots of vocabulary words in my response because those show better understanding of the topic. I have proficiently studied for this exam and am confident. As for my religion exam before I am not as confident. I have lots a terms to memorize and hope it does not prohibit or hurt my exam.

Midterm review

Today in class we studied for the Midterm again. After reviewing the exam doesn't seem too hard. I still need to study because I saw some questions on A message to Garcia which I am not prepared for. I also need to study the power point on excellence which I haven't looked at in a while. Overall I am confident for this test because the multiple choice seem easy. Also the two constructed responses don't look hard  and I already have an idea on what to write.

Midterm review

     Today in class you were not there to give us a lesson. So, instead we went to your blog where you posted all of the information that will be on the exam. I am writing this in class after I have read through your study guide and can say that this will be crucial in my studying for this exam. I would have gone through all of my blogs to find this information which would have taken a lot of time but, now it is all posted in one place. I did find the note you left at the bottom of the study guide and I think that the essay question isn't too hard. The other method I will use to study for this exam is all of our past tests. I have saved them in preparation for the exams. the only topic that was not found in your latest blog was the information on Excellence. This and the information on Socrates was a very big part of the beginning of the year so I will have to go through my tests and blogs instead.

Post pop quiz blog

     Yesterday in class we were given a pop quiz on the two population demographic maps we talked about in class. I did not feel confident with the quiz because I forgot which stage a country goes through when it has a rapidly falling death rate. Even though I got an 80 on the quiz it didn't bring my grade down much. For the rest of class we reviewed for the next test and for exams. When we reviewed for the next test I felt that most of the topics were covered in our last test so I can use that as a study guide. As for exams I am pretty confident because I have already had semester exams at my last school so I am more prepared on my ways to study. I have kept all of my previous tests and can look at my blogs to study.

Demographic grid

    Today we started class with a survey monkey survey. I had already taken the survey in English. After the survey we went over a different demographic graph. This one was just a picture and was meant to show how countries develop. The grid was split into 5 sections on each of the transitions of a country. On the graph it showed the rate a natural increase and a countries population. As a countries economy developed their rate of natural increase also increased. Then once a country's healthcare develops then their death rate also decreases. Then their population increases a lot. Once a country fully develops the birth rate decreases leveling out their population.