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Showing posts from February, 2018


     The last tow days in class we have been watching a video on a summary on philosophy. Even though it is a 11 minute video we have spent two classes and are still not halfway through. Philosophy can be described with many definitions the one that ancient Greeks used is the academic study of everything. This is a very broad definition but today we usually describe philosophy as the study of reality. Philosophy can also be described as the love of wisdom.


   Today in class we finished up the powerpoint with philosophers of Greece. The three main philosophers we focused on were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates is one of the most famous Greek philosophers and one of the first. He challenged the people of Athens to think critically. he started to question the credibility of the Greek Gods which is against Athenian law and he was sentenced to death despite being well respected. Plato was one of Socrates' (I also put the apostrophe at the end) pupils. After his death he became very popular with his two most famous books Republic and Apology. Aristotle was one of Plato's students and he would go on to teach Alexander the Great and create a school. He wanted to unify Athens as a intellectual destination.

test review and notes

Today in class we were supposed to take notes on the golden age of Greece and Pericles but I had already done that after the test Friday. After we took notes we reviewed the test which I did very well on. I only missed one question because I remembered some geography incorrectly.

Greek video

    Today in class we watched a video on ancient Greece. These are some of the notes I took in class. The Greek region was known as Hellinus by the Greeks. When Cleithenes was still a child Athens was a mere village not a great city state. As a child Cleithenes looked up to the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Before Cleithenes rule Pycitrotis came to power by faking that he had the will of the God Athena by using a tall and beautiful woman as a fake. Pycitrotis established lower taxes and a free loan system which boosted economy. Athens wealth and economy skyrocketed making it a large city state. After Pycitrotis' death Hippias took over. He became bitter and gave ittle rights to the people. This led to the first uprising of the people ever in 508 BC. Cleithenes then became ruler over Athens.

Greek Mytholgy

     Today class was supposed to mainly be on taking notes on Greek mythology,  but we got pretty off topic. We got off topic and spent most of class on questioning the credibility of sources. This started when students questioned if the Greek god's really weren't real and it was concluded there was no real way to prove there existence or disprove it. Then we started to broaden that to all religions. There is no real proof that God existed or didn't exist that is why people must have faith. Then we moved o to history where you said that history is written by the victors which means the civilizations who survived and passed on their history wrote about their history from their point of view. One example is if Germany won world war two, Hitler would be known as a great leader who defeated the allies and killed off the "evil" Jews. We concluded with that all these factors should be considered before coming to a conclusion on how history could have played out.

Textbook assignment

   Today class was cut short due to the two hour delay. In class our group worked on our textbook assignment on Homer and the Greek dark ages. It took the first fifteen minutes of class to have Frankie tell me what the assignment was. When we got started Frankie and Owen wrote while I found pictures because I still didn't really know what was going on. At home I added a lot to the presentation even though it wasn't to necessary. Even though I was not there the first day I feel like I pulled my weight for the group. I really hope that our project is close to the other group's presentation.