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Showing posts from March, 2018

Movie class

Today the first part of class was spent on finishing up the last section of Greece. Class was cut short today because we had a prayer service. The last part of the chapter was about the Hellenistic philosophy and it was broken up into two sections. One section called for living a life in full harmony with the universe. The other had people base their life on full body and mind synchronization. The last part of class we watched a part in an interesting movie about Alexander.

Hellenistic culture

    Today in class we reviewed the last section of the Greek chapter on Hellenistic culture. Hellenistic culture formed after Alexander the great's conquests. It mixed Greek, Persian and India cultures. The center of Hellenistic culture was the city of Alexandria. It had many architectural and intellectual attractions. it was also a center for trade. The was a large library and museum where people came to study and exchange ideas.

Hellenistic culture

     After the conquests of Asia and Africa by Alexander the Great the Greeks adopted a blended culture. This culture was known as Hellenistic. The common language was known as Koine. It was a blend of Greek and Persian languages. The greatest city of the Greek empire was known as Alexandria. It was a very rich city located in Egypt. Royal palaces were built and Alexander's tomb was located there. A large lighthouse called Pharos that reflected light from a fire. In Alexandria were two great sources of knowledge Alexander's library and museum. These were the greatest sources of knowledge in all of the ancient world and brought visitors from around Europe, Asia and Africa. The Hellenic empire also developed different studies of astronomy, mathematics and physics. The forerunner's of Hellenic math were Archimedes and Euclid.

Alexander the great

Today in class we took notes on Alexander the great. Since my project already required research on Alexander the great so I knew a little about this topic. First his father Philip 2 had conquered all of Greece. he was planning on invading Persia but was murdered before he could. Then Alexander came into power. Alexander was a great Tactician and was taught by the philosopher Aristotle. He vowed to lead out his father's promises. He lead his army into Persia successfully winning the first battle. The went and liberated Egypt where they crowned him pharaoh. His military used a mix of the phalanx and cavalry units. He went on to conquer large parts of Asia until he got to India. They had been fighting for 11 years and Alexander decided to turn around. The he became severely ill and died at the age of thirty-two.


Today in class we started presentations on Greece. Our presentation on our phalanx  and the trident. Our presentation didn't go so well because I felt like I had enough time to say everything.


  Today in class we finished the video on philosophy. Class was a little off topic today because we were debating gun control and color. We debated on if we all see different colors but since the way which we are taught we cant notice the difference.