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Showing posts from November, 2017

Population graph

     Today in class we watched another video and took notes. These notes were a add-on to yesterday's notes. Today's video was on a teacher who found a new way to help visualize population and how people live. He made a diagram using a coordinate grid where the y axis represented lifespan and the x axis is the annual income. Then he represented each of the top countries of each region with a circle. The larger the countries population the larger the circle. The circles were color coordinated by region. First he depicted where the circles were in 1810 with all of them being in the bottom left corner of the grid with people having a low lifespan and low annual income. Then he changed the dates and the circles moved accordingly. The European and American countries were the farthest with annual income and life span. Then when countries became more modern they started to move to the top right corner. This is used to show how countries with higher income usually have higher lif...

More population pyramids

     Today in class we watched a video working with population pyramids. This video was a TED talk which I have watched in the past and have really liked listening to them. This video was about how demographers can read and use population pyramids to predict following trends. The video also highlighted the differences between countries population pyramids compared to what there economy is like. It used the trend that post industrial countries or developing countries have a very high birth rate and there population is growing quickly. This is because these countries need a lot of people in their work force. In industrial countries families do not need to have as many kids to succeed so the birth rate is usually about constant with the death rate. In post-industrial countries the society has a lot more automation and less need for work.

test review blog

   Today in we reviewed the population test we took before the break. It went a little slow because i got a 102 so I didn't get any questions wrong that I had to correct. Overall the test was easy and it brought my grade up from not doing a lot of blogs. This is because I am playing a sport and when I get home I either forget or am too tired to blog. The only question I had wrong was the first extra credit questions. This question was a trick because no humans are leaving earth permanently. As for the extra credit I will not be doing any of the writing I will probably just donate  to Kiva and not have it be apart of extra credit. I still think donating is a good thing to do especially because you get your money back. I will donate on my own time.

post test blog

     Today in class we took the test on population. Overall this test was very easy and I am confident I got a good grade. The first part of the test using the worldfact book was very easy. It was not hard at all to find the information. I finished in almost half the time we were given. The definitions part was also very easy. I barely even studied and knew every definition there. The push and pull forces was a little harder because I had a hard time thinking of countries with pull forces. By far the most easy part was the population pyramid part. The questions were very simple. Even if I had no idea how to read a population pyramid I could have scored a 100. I was very happy there was no writing portion because I have a headache today and didn't want to write anything. the first bonus question was probably impossible. I highly doubt anyone knew the answer.

presentation and test review

     Today in class we finished the last of the presentations and went over the upcoming test Monday. Compared to the previous presentations they were much better and more interactive. In my opinion the students did a better job explaining making the projects not as boring. After the last presentation we transitioned into reviewing for the test Monday. When you explained the first portion of the test I was confused. I don't know why you would test us on if we can find information on a website, but I guess there is some point to it. The rest of the test seems pretty easy. The fill in the blank answers will be easy because we went over which definitions that we need to study. Not only are the definitions posted to your blog the power point used to teach is also posted so I have a lot to study from. With these study tools I believe that I will easily get a 100% on the test. The only parts of the test I could get wrong are the questions on the CIA world factbook and the essay...

project presentation

The past two days in class we presented our projects. Unfortunately our group ended up presenting first. I was pretty nervous because at the beginning you pointed out two grammar mistakes which made me wonder how many more mistakes there would be. I felt our group presented and explained our project very well and if it hadn't been for the grammar errors I think we would have gotten an 100.  I'm not trying to sound pretentious, but I believe we had the best presentation because we explained well and didn't just read off the slides. Listening to some of the other groups presentations was painfully boring. Either the group literally read there project word for word or their explanation was so bad I couldn't even understand what point they were trying to make. 

Project link

We are uploading the link now in case you wanted it before Monday we will probably have an updated link tomorrow.

Population project

   In Friday's class we started class by evacuating the school for a drill. most people knew where their advisory was so the drill was over in less time than expected. When we got back to class we were gifted with being able to do the pop quiz over from the previous class even though we went over the questions and answers in class. This totally defeats the purpose of a pop quiz because instead of having to rely on the information you learned in class you are literally told the answers. But that wasn't even the best part of class. After we were given the answers to a pop quiz we were given a project on population.The project isn't too bad especially since we work in groups, but it was pretty annoying to get a project over the weekend. I have already worked on this project and it turns out to be pretty easy so I don't have anything to complain about.

population pyramids

     Today in class we looked at population pyramids for most of class. for most of class you showed us a number of pyramids and we had to make inferences on why they look that way based on where they are located. I found this assignment pretty fun because I find it fun to make inferences on how people live in certain places. I participated a lot in class compared to my other classes. After the power point on population pyramids we went to a website dedicated to the topic. On this website we first researched countries that we found interesting. After a while we started to guess which country had which type of shape. When going over the website I was also on the website looking at different countries.

population 2.0

    Today in class we reviewed   the power point on population and discussed how it affects the globe. Instead of going over new information we went back and reviewed all of the slides. Also at the beginning of class we "researched" how many movies Mr. Schick worked on, which was pretty interesting. One of the main points brought up in class is that 90% of the population is growing in developing countries not already developed countries. We also talked for a while about immigration and why some countries want it and some don't. We used the two examples of U.S.A and Japan. In these examples you explained why people in Japan aren't open to immigration which is causing problems and in the U.S.A it sometimes helps with the hobs that other Americans don't want to do.