Today in class we watched another video and took notes. These notes were a add-on to yesterday's notes. Today's video was on a teacher who found a new way to help visualize population and how people live. He made a diagram using a coordinate grid where the y axis represented lifespan and the x axis is the annual income. Then he represented each of the top countries of each region with a circle. The larger the countries population the larger the circle. The circles were color coordinated by region. First he depicted where the circles were in 1810 with all of them being in the bottom left corner of the grid with people having a low lifespan and low annual income. Then he changed the dates and the circles moved accordingly. The European and American countries were the farthest with annual income and life span. Then when countries became more modern they started to move to the top right corner. This is used to show how countries with higher income usually have higher lif...