Today in class we reviewed the power point on population and discussed how it affects the globe. Instead of going over new information we went back and reviewed all of the slides. Also at the beginning of class we "researched" how many movies Mr. Schick worked on, which was pretty interesting. One of the main points brought up in class is that 90% of the population is growing in developing countries not already developed countries. We also talked for a while about immigration and why some countries want it and some don't. We used the two examples of U.S.A and Japan. In these examples you explained why people in Japan aren't open to immigration which is causing problems and in the U.S.A it sometimes helps with the hobs that other Americans don't want to do.
Toady in class instead of reviewing the test we read and took notes on the next three sections. The first section was on the Rise of Christianity and talked about how Jesus' teachings spread. The most important reason they spread was because his teachings brought salvation to all. Christianity was a vision that a Roman emperor had before he went into battle. They won the battle and he made it so Christians would no longer be persecuted.
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